Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Scientists Develop New Battery That Lasts 20 Years

Scientists Develop New Battery That Lasts 20 Years
Scientists Develop New Battery That Can Be Recharged to 70% in 2 Minutes and Lasts 20 Years

Scientists have developed a new battery that can be recharged up to 70% in 2 minutes and has a lifespan of over 20 years, reports Science Daily.

The battery was developed by scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) and is expected to impact many industries, especially electric vehicles which suffer from long recharge times of over 4 hours and limited lifespan.

The battery will let electric vehicles charge 20 times faster than currently possible. Also, the battery can endure more than 10,000 charging cycles. That's 20 times more than the 500 cycles typical of today's batteries.

NTU Singapore's scientists replaced the traditional graphite used for the anode (negative pole) in lithium-ion batteries with a new gel material made from titanium dioxide, an abundant, cheap and safe material found in soil. It is commonly used as a food additive or in sunscreen lotions to absorb harmful ultraviolet rays. Naturally found in a spherical shape, NTU Singapore developed a simple method to turn titanium dioxide particles into tiny nanotubes that are a thousand times thinner than the diameter of a human hair. This nanostructure is what helps to speeds up the chemical reactions taking place in the new battery, allowing for superfast charging.

The battery was invented by Associate Professor Chen Xiaodong from the School of Materials Science and Engineering at NTU Singapore.

NTU professor Rachid Yazami, the co-inventor of the lithium-graphite anode that is used in most lithium-ion batteries today, said Chen's invention is the next big leap in battery technology.

"While the cost of lithium-ion batteries has been significantly reduced and its performance improved since Sony commercialised it in 1991, the market is fast expanding towards new applications in electric mobility and energy storage," said Prof Yazami. "There is still room for improvement and one such key area is the power density -- how much power can be stored in a certain amount of space -- which directly relates to the fast charge ability. Ideally, the charge time for batteries in electric vehicles should be less than 15 minutes, which Prof Chen's nanostructured anode has proven to do.

Meet the Woman who lets her man cheat to stop him from leaving her..

Meet the Woman who lets her man cheat to stop him from leaving her..

How far would you go to keep your man?Would you let your man sleep with other women to stop him leaving you? 57 year old Divorcee Maria-Louise does.She has been married twice, to men who refused to have sex with her and was a virgin till 51.She met  her current boyfriend Tim while married to second husband and according to Tim, 55, he has the ‘right’ to have sex with who he liked ..Read her story as published on Dailymail
When I received a late-night call from my lover inviting me to his home, I was already tucked up in bed. Giddy with excitement, I slipped into my best silk underwear, got into my car and made the quarter-of-an-hour journey to his house.
I’d been seeing Tim for four years, but his shift work as a doctor meant that it was rare that we’d get to spend the night together.
When I pulled into the drive of his pretty three-bedroom detached cottage, the door opened and my 53-year-old tall, dark and handsome boyfriend greeted me with open arms.

We walked towards his huge, warm kitchen, arm-in-arm — yet the moment I passed over the threshold I froze at the sight of an attractive 20-something woman sitting brazenly at Tim’s kitchen table.
Calmly, I sat down and tried to make polite conversation while they finished a bottle of wine. I tried not to react when the young woman, Lucy, brushed her hand up and down his arm.Why didn’t I react? The honest truth is that as a woman in my late 50s, I no longer feel I can. 
 Desperate not to be alone, I have to accept a relationship on any terms offered to me. At my age, the brutal truth is that I feel I can’t afford to be choosy. It’s sad, but true.
At 2am, Lucy announced she was tired, and I watched, flabbergasted, as she walked up the stairs. I looked at Tim, my heart breaking into a million little pieces.
He urged me to go upstairs, too, casually adding: ‘We’ll go upstairs, we’ll go to bed and we’ll invite her to join us.’This was too much, so, managing to control my tears, I haltingly explained that I, a then 55-year-old woman, wasn’t available for such tawdry threesomes and left with a heavy heart.Two years on, we’re still together. For six years now I have been in the most significant, loving relationship of my life with Tim. We’re a couple, but in order for us to exist as such, I must allow him to sleep with whoever he likes whenever he likes.
You may wonder why I, a successful career woman (I was a sales executive for most of my life) who owns a detached, mortgage-free £250,000 cottage, would put up with such disgusting behaviour from a man who claims to love me. But the truth is today, at 57, my chances of finding anyone else are so remote that I’ve no choice but to accept it.
After all, as I revealed in the Mail five months ago, I was a virgin until I was 51: even though I was married twice before I met Tim, both my husbands had refused to have sex with me.
Then, two years into our relationship, Tim made it crystal clear to me that fidelity was out of the question. Since we’ve been seeing each other, to my knowledge, he has slept with three other women.
When I returned home that evening, I burst into tears. I didn’t know what to do. Create a scene? I knew I’d lose him. Challenge him? I wasn’t in a position of power to lay down the law. Have him followed? What would that achieve? 
As a woman over 50, I just didn’t feel I could make a fuss.By now, I was menopausal and staring down my sixth decade. At 48, he was a handsome man in his prime. I genuinely believed if I pulled him up over his behaviour he’d dump me.
So I held my tongue. Then, in January 2009, almost a year after we began seeing each other, I pressed him about ‘our’ future. His divorce was under way, as was mine, the paperwork being processed was just a formality. We were free to be together, so surely that would put an end to his wandering eye?
So I raised the subject of fidelity and how important it was to me. Oh, how I wish I hadn’t.
According to Tim, he had the ‘right’ to have sex with who he liked. Hiding my shock, I explained that, for me, sex is the closest two people can possibly be, and that making love was an expression of my feelings for him. He merely replied it was better for me that I knew this was how it was going to be. Defeated, I said I’d accept it, as long as he was discreet. What other choice did I have?
After that conversation in 2009, life was, on the surface, wonderful. We’d enjoy long nights together, cooking wonderful meals and listening to jazz. If he slept with other women, well, at my time in life, what could I do but turn a blind eye?
Of course, that’s not to say it was easy. There were those moments when we were making love when I’d compare myself unfavourably with the other women he was inevitably seducing at the same time.
But I forced my anxieties to the back of my mind and quietly started to make plans for our future. With my divorce finally through in 2010, I sold the marital home and hired an architect to build a family home for us. Tim has two children by his ex-wife, a 20-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old son, and I wanted them to be a part of our future, too.That night when he tried to make me sleep with him and another woman, however, threatened to destroy everything.
It forced me to take stock of the stark realities of my partner’s infidelity. I took an STD and HIV test, a sobering, not to mention humiliating, ordeal to put yourself through at 55.For months I tried not to call him, but after a while I just couldn’t help myself, but he wouldn’t take my calls and refused to see me.
The showdown came in February last year at his home. I told him I loved him and pleaded that I wanted him to reconsider his attitude towards fidelity. 
He replied that it was out of the question: sex, according to Tim, is akin to browsing at the supermarket: one week he might fancy a rump steak, the next roast chicken. The choice was his to make.In floods of tears, I walked out. While continuing to oversee the house I’d planned for our future, I’d cry myself to sleep. I was lonely and acutely aware that as each day slipped by I was getting closer to 60.
Friends tried to pull me out of my gloom, reassuring me I was better off without him, that there were plenty of other men for an attractive woman such as myself. But the truth is that there aren’t.
This January, I turned 57. I was desperately lonely and in May I couldn’t take it any more. I called and begged him to take me back.
While friends are genuinely concerned that I’ve resumed our relationship, I’ve simply forced myself to accept that Tim will sow his oats when and with whom he wants to.
Today he’s 55 and I reassure myself he can’t go on doing it for ever. Granted, he’s handsome now, but sooner or later, women won’t want to sleep with him any more.
Things are back to normal between us and we’re a proper couple now, albeit one harbouring a rather tawdry secret.I cherish having someone to hold my hand and tell me he loves me. What he does when he’s not with me I would rather not know.
Instead, I focus on our future: sitting on the terrace of our new home that I built for us, growing old together. After all — what other choice do I have?

Nnamdi Azikiwe University Unizik Admission List 2014/2015

The authorities of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka have uploaded the 2014/2015 admission list on the university website.
How to check:
Visit www.my.unizik.edu.ng/admissionsand simply put in your reg.NO. and click the 'NEXT' button

MTN & Alcatel-lucent To Deploy 100G Network In Nigeria

Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) is opening up Africa’s most populous nation to the benefits of ultra-broadband connectivity by launching a superfast, 100 gigabit-per-second fiber-optic network with MTN Nigeria, a subsidiary of Dubai-based MTN Group and the leading service provider in Africa. mtn

MTN Nigeria, which covers more than almost 90 percent of Nigeria’s land mass, will deploy a 100G network that re-uses existing 10G optical assets thereby preserving MTN past investments while ensuring future proof and state of art solution.

Nigeria’s growing economy is fueling a proliferation of mobile subscribers, which number about 275 to every one landline in the country. As a result, Nigeria has a significant need for reliable, mobile broadband access to support growing demand for bandwidth hungry services such as streaming video plus the ever-increasing need from enterprises for storage and data center connections. The new network also gives MTN the capacity and flexibility to offer wholesale services to other service providers in the region.

According to Lynda Saint-Nwafor, CTO of MTN Nigeria: “MTN realized we needed to upgrade our network to meet customer expectations for ultra-broadband connectivity and high reliability within Nigeria’s very competitive marketplace. We wanted a state of the art solution that met three main criteria: increased network reliability, a high degree of scalability to prepare the network for 400G and beyond, and preservation of our existing 10G investment. Alcatel-Lucent’s demonstrations showed that they could meet all of our criteria and we look forward to deploying the network overlay in 2014.”

Hatim Zougari, Country Senior Officer oof Alcatel-Lucent in Nigeria weighed in further saying: “We knew that MTN’s top priority was to provide reliability to their customers but they also wanted to offer ultra-broadband and they wanted to retain usefulness of as much of their legacy network as possible. We were able to show that we can give them a cost-effective solution that accomplishes all of their goals in a way that no one else could.”

MTN Nigeria is the biggest mobile operator in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, and West Africa region with more than 58 million subscribers and also is the largest subsidiary in the MTN Group – a multinational telecommunications group offering world-class cellular network access and business solutions to more than 210 million subscribers in 22 countries across Africa and the Middle East.

MTN Nigeria’s network covers 88.8 percent of the country’s land mass giving 86.2 percent of the population access to mobile services.

Alcatel-Lucent is supporting MTN Nigeria’s rapid growth in mobile subscribers by building a 100G DWDM/OTN network using Alcatel-Lucent’s 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) platform, a family of equipment that has been designed according to the latest international SD-FEC zero touch photonics and coherent technology.

Alcatel-Lucent Agile Optical Networking combines WDM, OTN, and GMPLS/ASON control plane intelligence to assure scalable, versatile, reliable and efficient transport at 100G and beyond.


New Mobile Phone In Nigeria Called Wiko Mobile

A leading Chinese mobile phone company, Wiko Mobile, announced plans to revolutionalise the Nigeria phone market with the launch of its phone brands in October.

Ahead of its formal launch in Nigeria, the company has taken 12 channel partners on a pre-launch excursion to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates with the aim of interacting with other partners across the globe as it rolls out across the world.

Wiko offers a value proposition of stylish yet affordable products across the spectrum from low-end to high-end.

The company will be introducing ten products from the over 20 products in the Wiko stable to the Nigerian market.

The Nigerian channel partners who are expected to push the new phone brand, met with their counterparts from Kenya, Vietnam and Saudi Arabia, countries of interest for the third largest phone maker in Europe.

According to the Country Sales Manager Nigeria, John Peters, the Dubai pre-launch function enabled channel partners from Nigeria interact with other Wiko associates around the world so as to understand the Wiko brand culture, brand vision and brand attributes.

The channel partners were drawn from key markets across the country, underlining the vision of the brand to take a significant share of the phone market from onset.

“Wiko took 12 channel partners from Nigeria to a pre-launch function in Dubai along with their counterparts from across the globe. This was to explain to them Wiko’s value proposition, product proposition and also show them the road map.

“This is to enable them grasp the concept of how Wiko intends to operate in all the countries they will be launching their product. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Poland, Vietnam, Kenya and Nigeria.

“So all representatives from these countries were brought to Dubai so they can get a full detail of what Wiko is all about.”

He said it was important that local channel partners were well-versed with the history and aspirations of the firm.

“They have to understand the Wiko story; where we are coming from, where we are now, and where we intend to be in the future and know what specifically Wiko intends to do in each market.

“So market-wise, coverage-wise and channel-wise all these were explained to them at that meet in Dubai.”

EBOLA: Nigerian Students Now Rejected From American Universities

Ebola scare...Despite being an Ebola-free country, some universities in the US are now rejecting Nigerian students admission. Twitter user @Idrisayobello shared one of those rejection letters on twitter and wrote,

"Ironic that NavarroCollege only 31 miles away from Dallas with an active #Ebola case is denying admission to Nigerians who are ebola-free!"

Check out another here - http://www.remspot.com.ng/2014/10/ebola-nigerian-students-now-rejected.html

Dakore Akande turns 36 Happy birthday to all October born

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Dakore Akande shares stunning photo as she turns 36

The stunning actress just turned 36 today and shared the photo above with caption
"I thank you Lord for making it possible for me to wake up today, for the gift of life, great health, my family, my husband, my beautiful children, my friends, for blessing the works of my hands even as I remain expectant in every aspect of my life, my steadfast fans that have become family...It's my #birthday people #October14th .
Happy birthday to her..

Obasanjo Is Morally Bankrupt – Kashamu

Chairman of the Organisation and Mobilisation Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the South West, Prince Buruji Kashamu yesterday said that former President Olusegun Obasanjo is morally bankrupt.

Kashamu said this in a statement he issued in Lagos in reaction to Obasanjo’s letter to the leadership of the PDP, in which the former president said he could not work with him because of his alleged criminal past.

Chief Obasanjo had said in the letter that he had no grouse against anybody in his party, but he would not accept a wanted drug baron as the PDP leader in his region, the South West.

The former president had insisted that the issue bordered on principle and morality.

But Kashamu, apart from denying the allegation, said that the obvious question Nigerians should ask Obasanjo is whether he has any justification to moralise and pontificate at all, given his well-chronicled personal moral bankruptcy.

He also maintained that Obasanjo’s statements exhibit his disdain for the rule of law and the authority of the courts “since this cocktail of lies comprise the same malicious falsehood that is the subject of the libel action I have commenced against him and in which trial is to commence tomorrow, Tuesday, 14th October, 2014”.

The PDP chieftain said, “The indubitable fact of history that Baba Obasanjo has not told the world is that it was during his first tenure as president that he and former Beninoise president, Matthew Kerekou directed the relevant security agencies to give truthful evidence that rebutted the false allegation that I was a habitual criminal or involved in any drug related crime.”

He also alleged that it was for this reason that the Interpol in Benin Republic and the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Nigeria came to the London courts between 2000 and 2002 to give evidence during his incarceration and trial.

Kashamu further alleged that chief Obasanjo used him to prosecute his battle against former Governor Gbenga Daniel and to wrest the control of the PDP from Otunba Daniel in 2011 and it was time to field candidates for the 2011 general elections, Obasanjo brought “his stooge”, Gen. Adetunji Olurin, and asked him to roll the party structure behind his anointed candidate.

He said, “Despite his pretensions, the reason I have become the target of Obasanjo’s wicked campaign of calumny and blackmail is because he perceives me as his obstacle to the control of the PDP structures in Ogun State and in the South West.

“Chief Obasanjo has publicly declared his opposition to the second term entitlement of President Goodluck Jonathan and had wanted to use the erstwhile National Secretary, Olagunsoye Oyinlola; the former National Auditor, Bode Mustapha and the ex-National Vice-Chairman, Segun Oni, to thwart Mr. President’s re-election. The almighty Allah Subhana wa tala used me to stand up to him and the rest is history.

Chibok Girls Campaigners Storm Aso Rock Today

The BringBackOurGirls Coalition said it would march to the Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Tuesday (today) to engage with President Goodluck Jonathan over the 219 Chibok schoolgirls, who have been in Boko Haram captivity for over 180 days.

The movement said the purpose of the engagement was to convey the urgency for the immediate rescue of the girls and to hear directly from the President the status of the rescue efforts of the security agencies.

The group, in a statement by its Media Coordinator, Rotimi Olawale, on Monday in Abuja, stated that the last 180 days of the girls abduction had been “one of dashed hopes, intense pain and confusion for the families due to the lack of accurate information from the government on the current
The BBOG said some parents of the abducted girls would be part of the march to the Aso Rock Villa and also called on concerned members of the public to join the engagement with the President.

It said that its members would also engage in what it called a ‘walkathon’ on Wednesday, which would involve walking with red ribbons around the embassies of Chad, Cameroon and Niger Republic, as well as the embassies of selected key nations supporting the operation to rescue the girls.

The statement partly read,” In continuation of our Global Week of Action to commemorate the unfortunate six months mark since the abduction of our 219 Chibok girls, We, the #BringBackOurGirls Abuja family, wish to notify the members of the public that we have requested for an appointment and will be marching to meet with our President on October 14, 2014.

“The objective of our march to the Villa is to convey the urgency for the immediate rescue of our girls and to hear directly from our President and the Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces the accurate status of the rescue effort for our Chibok girls, whose six months period in captivity remains a source of deep anguish to their parents, Nigerians and people all over the world who believe in our shared humanity.”

The coalition challenged all political leaders, the United Nations, civil society groups, religious leaders, development partners, celebrities and all well-meaning individuals “to come out in large number during the Global Week of Action and raise their voices to demand renewed actions for the immediate rescue of the schoolgirls.”

17 Lawmakers Press For Removal Of Adamawa Speaker

17 Lawmakers Press for Removal of Adamawa Speaker
Indications emerged monday that 17 lawmakers of the
Adamawa State House of Assembly were pressing for the
removal of the embattled Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri.
It was alleged that the lawmakers were aggrieved because
Fintiri never fulfilled his part of the agreement held prior to
the impeachment of the former state Governor, Murtala
Nyako, and the impromptu resignation of his deputy, Bala
James Ngillari, now governor of the state to pave the way for
him to rule the state.
Sources closed to the assembly revealed that the lawmakers
are mobilising for the removal of the speaker in order to
adhere to federal character principles as enshrined in the
nation’s constitution.
According to some PDP stakeholders and lawmakers who
spoke in confidence with journalists in Yola, if the zoning
principle in the party is to be adhered to, it is unconstitutional
for the speaker and the governor to come from the same
They claimed that the removal of the speaker could be on the
strength of the political crisis between the two politicians, so
as to allow a peaceful administration reign in the state.
It was further gathered that the embattled speaker could be
impeached tomorrow when the lawmakers meet or asked to
Attempts made to reach the Chairman, Assembly Committee
on Information and member representing Michika state
constituency, Hon. Adamu Kamale, to comment on the
development proved abortive as he said he was driving and
promised to call back.
As at the time of sending this report, he did not call back.
However, another source alleged that it would be difficult to
impeach the embattle Speaker because all the principal
lawmakers of the state assembly were behind him.
The source added that they might frustrate the removal
moves if there was any.

Big brother Nigeria housemates becomes a proud Dad of a baby boy

During the evening. Big brother called tayo to the diary room. Tayo said he was suprised when bigbrother called him but when he got there and bigbrother told him that it was a good news. He had already knew it was the news. He was already shedding tears.. Bigbrother congratulated him and gave him a congratulatory card with the picture of the baby boy attached to it. He thanked bigbrother. When he got back to the house.. All the housemates were happy and they all rejoiced with him especially his freind Esther, and his nigerian counterpart. Lilian.. The housemates prayed for him and the baby. They were all happy.. Then tayo named his baby oluwatoye. He gave a testimony of the awesome delievery of the baby. After the dangerous pills his girlfreind took and the doctors bad report that they should terminate the baby, but with the shocking reports God saved the baby's life. He thanked all his freinds that God would strengthen them all and that God would help them in times of trouble. Meanwhile, tayo and lilian the two nigerian housemate among others were nominated for eviction this week after failing the extraveganzer drama performance which would have immuned them from nomination and eviction if the new head of house [samantha] does not add any of them up.

True child hood story by Hafiz Oyetoro aka Saka

Hafiz Oyetoro aka Saka, speaks with Samuel Abulude of Leadership about his child hood story, personal life and how he finally made it big Nollywood . Source : http://leadership.ng/entertainment/386748/woo-women-undergraduate-years-saka

Read all below :

What has Saka been up to lately?

I have been acting and imparting my students at Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education (AOCOED). I have been travelling around, doing what I love doing for decades now. My production titled We We, a TV comedy series with my students, is still in the works as a fire outbreak in my office destroyed the scripts and other vital documents. However, it should be out before the end of the year. I also compose songs; apart from TV commercials that I’m known for. We just did the MTN Yello jingle last month and as regards movies, they are numerous. I was part of a movie by Afiz Owo and Abelejayan, the sociopolitical comedy will be back soon with fresh episodes.

How was growing up like?

I hail from Adegbola-Iseyin in Iseyin town, Oyo State. I was born to Pa Dauda Oyetoro and my mother, Abike Oyetoro. I am the 4th out of 10 kids and I am the only child of my mother. I attended Baptist Day Secondary School, Iseyin. From there I gained admission to University of Ife, now Obafemi Awolowo University, to study Dramatic Arts. Now I have an M A in African Studies from the University of Ibadan and a post graduate degree from Lagos State University (LASU). I’m presently pursuing my doctorate- M Phil Literature of African Studies at the University of Ibadan.

Growing up in a village setting was a bitter-sweet experience. I grew up in the home of an uncle who drove fear into me when correcting my mistakes. My uncle misconstrued respect as creating fear and I became so timid that I carried that baggage into the university. So ,on the Ife campus, I was a loner and could not socialise.

In my year two or so, we needed to do a departmental stage production and I was given a role, but because of my usual timidity-I could not deliver and this became a concern for me. E pass stage fright my broda. Thankfully, one of my lecturers, Chuck Mike, an African American scholar, came to my rescue. Mr Mike, a revered threatre practitioner in the 80s, tutored and mentored me and many others. He took me to University of Ibadan for speech therapy and I had to see a speech expert- Mrs Ajayi- every Saturday.

In 1986, I was part of a departmental production tagged ‘A toast to Wole Soyinka’. My first major production was in UI and it was a stage play titled, Raisin In the Sun. Wole Obadeyi, Yinka Akanbi and Gbenga Iwindapo were my colleagues then. The first theatre group I was part of was Akewi-Ebedi Theatre Group. For my final year project, I looked at theatre in Nigeria using Babasala as my case study. I met him at Orisun Cinema in Abeokuta. I appeared in my first home video during my 300 level as a student and was paid N1, 500- big money then.

Considering how timid you were, did you date during your university days?
I couldn’t ask women out during my undergraduate days. I was that timid; but I did have two failed relationships. My past relationships haunted me and I decided not to have anything to do with women, concentrating instead on my academic career and stage plays. I was part of Comic Palace Production, where Yinka Akanni, Muyiwa Amodu were my colleagues in 2002. I used to do a one-man drama as that was the only way I could express myself.

I met my wife, Olaide Saidat (Oyetoro) in AOCOED and finally got married at the age of 40. My wife was a final year student when I first met her and for me, it was love at first sight. She had come to my office for something and I got her name down. Later, I spoke to her saying, beyond being her lecturer I would like to be her friend. She said okay, thinking I was unserious. What attracted me to Olaide was that she looked humble and appeared to be a good Muslim. She is a graduate of mathematics and has made a great home for me and our two kids. I love her so much. My friend, Gbenga Iwindapo aided in assuring her that I was the man for her. God has given me a woman who shares my vision. I don’t joke with my family.

Why did you “port” from Etisalat to MTN?

Ordinarily I’m not supposed to speak on this because it involves two big telecom brands, but I will put it this way: at a point, I was no longer feeling fulfilled with the former company’s endorsement and there is nothing you can do if you are not happy. The other brand approached me and we agreed on terms. The lesson I learnt from that phase is that- don’t compromise your emotional instability- follow your passion.

Does teaching theatre arts add to your professionalism as an actor?

Of course it has a lot of advantages! I act and I go to class to review my performance. Even my students criticise my performances, telling me the mistakes I made and what I could have done to make it better. Acting and teaching is fun for me. My success story is inseparable from AOCOED, who took me in as a lecturer. My friend, Gbenga Iwindapo aided in getting me into the college. He was part of House Apart. Iwindapo brought me to Lagos and he was my HOD.

I have become better and fulfilled since I got here (talking about lecturing at Adeniran Ogusanya College of Education). I’m a product of different distinguished scholars who molded me into who I am today. Chuck Mike found me and bailed me out of timidity syndrome; Professor Femi Osofisan, Wale Ogunyemi and Professor Wole Soyinka all tutored me.

What are the challenges facing actors in this clime?

They are numerous. We are not given the respect we deserve here. Apart from the poor pay, actors and moviemakers go through a lot to get their movies out there. The law governing piracy is weak as well as its enforcement. We need a body, a unifying body that we can call our own. The MOPICCON bill has been there and when it is passed, we hope it solves a lot of issues and gives the movie industry a blueprint. Producers should go back to school and stop begging for money from marketers. They should know their worth and act likewise. We need to come together.

Again, there is a disturbing trend in Nollywood, especially in the Yoruba movie industry. The issue is disturbing for us, the theatre practitioners who went to school to study this trade. Marketers have hijacked the role of movie producers and directors. Marketers should not determine for us who plays this role or that. This issue has reached a disturbing height and unless these marketers are put in their place, we will not go far artistically and technically. Marketers should focus on hyping and sponsoring movies!

Yes, some marketers finance our movies like in the Yoruba genre of Nollywood. but these people have become demi-gods, dictating to directors and producers how a movie should go. This is wrong. In business, buyers determine the price of your commodity and how they want the commodity to meet their needs, not the other way round.

What are 3 things people don’t know about you?

I want my fans to know that I’m not a snub; unlike what some people think. I’m a very shy person but when I’m on stage, I’m a different person and I was the Outstanding Actor Of the Year in 1981.

More here : http://www.kingebuka.com/2014/10/i-could-not-woo-women-during-my.html

I Dislike Musicians Who Become Pompous With Fame-Daddy Showkey

I Dislike Musicians Who Become Pompous With Fame-Daddy Showkey

It is common knowledge that some new generation musicians have been accused of being too proud .Daddy Showkey says that's the major thing he dislikes about the music industry. The respected musician who is known to be very humble told Yes International Magazine 
Hmmm! It is when I see people that were nothing before and when they become something, they start feeling big or when I see pompous people. I don’t like that! I like humble people. So, as a musician, I believe you must be humble because it is the people that made you to be what you are.
First of all, I grew up in a neighbourhood that is very rough and tough and I did not have any belief in my life that I will become a successful entertainer and I did not even have any belief that I will become anything in life. But any time I remember my past and that I came out from nothing to something, it keeps me going; I will always be happy because my past gives me joy and that’s why every time that I go to my neighbourhood (Ajegunle), if I see the area, I will say ah, ‘Jegunle! Because it is not easy; it is not easy, my brother

Kendall and Kylie Jenner Make Time Magazine's Most Influential Teens 2014(Full list)

Kendall and Kylie Jenner Make Time Magazine's Most Influential Teens 2014(Full list)

Move over Kardashians,the Jenner girls are taking over.. Kendall, 18, and Kylie Jenner, 17,are now listed as the World's most influential teens 2014 by Time Magazine.They are described as young women to watch out and Time lists that the pair made the list based on achievements  they have accomplished.
 'Hosted red-carpet events, released clothing and nail polish lines and even published a dystopian young-adult novel this past summer.'
Kylie's booming career as a model was also listed as one of the major reasons why Kendall's hair extension line catapulted them on the list
Full list below

1. Mo’ne Davis, 13, Baseball player
Baseball player: Mo’ne Davis, 13, took the world by storm as her pitching talents became an internet sensation
2. Sasha Obama, 13, and Malia Obama, 16
3. Kiernan Shipka, 14, Mad Men actress
4. Jazz Jennings, 14, Transgender activist
5. Flynn McGarry, 15, chef du jour
6. Erik Finman, 15, Founder of Botangle.com
7. Nash Grier, 16, Social media king
8. Rico Rodriguez, 16, Modern Family actor
9. Ciara Judge, 16, Émer Hickey, 17, and Sophie Healy-Thow, 17, Google Science Fair winners
10. Shawn Mendes, 16, Social media musician
11. Jaden Smith, 16, Confucius for the Internet age
12. Becky G, 17, Youtube musician
13. Salma Kakar, 17, Cycling star
14. Lorde, 17,  Singer-songwriter
15. Lydia Ko, 17, Golf champion
16. Chloë Grace Moretz, 17, Movie actress
17. Kylie Jenner, 17, and Kendall Jenner, 18
18. Malala Yousafzai, 17, Youngest-ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
19. Rachel Fox, 18, Reality Star turned day trader
20. Bethany Mota, 18, Fashion and beauty blogger
21. Joshua Wong, 18, Leader of Hong Kong civil disobedience movement
22. Austin Mahone, 18, Pop star
23. Tavi Gevinson, 18, Publisher of online magazine for teenage girls
24. Megan Grassell, 19, Bra designer
25. Troye Sivan, 19, Actor turned musician

US Ebola Nurse infected by Liberian gets blood transfusion from survivor Kent Brantly(Photo)

US Ebola Nurse infected by Liberian gets blood transfusion from survivor Kent Brantly(Photo)

The Texas nurse who got infected by Thomas Duncan has received a life  saving blood transfusion from Dr.Kent Brantly ,the first person to be treated of Ebola.
Nina Pham, 26, became the first person known to contract the disease in the USA.She tested positive on Friday and according to AP,by evening, she had received a transfusion of plasma from Kent Brantly,because they say their blood type matched .She is now said to be clinically stable ..
This is the third time Brantly is donating blood.The NBC cameraman who is under treatment also got the transfusion.Those who have survived Ebola have anti bodies in their blood which can help new sufferers beat the disease..
Liberian, Thomas Duncan reportedly didn't get the blood transfusion because their blood didn't match and he didn't get Zimmap either because they say it was out of stock.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Youth Corper Allegedly Absconds with $14,400 Meant for 144 Corpers in Osun(Photo)

Youth Corper Allegedly Absconds with $14,400 Meant for 144 Corpers in Osun(Photo)

A Youth Corper by name Abayomi Isaac Oyebukola is being accused of absconding with about N2.3m  given to him to share among 144 corp members in Osun State.
According to sources who sent the info,he is a Batch 'C' corp member,serving in Iwo Local govt.Area of Osun state.His NYSC code no is Os/13c/1402.He is the corper liason officer(CLO) as chosen by the NYSC local government inspector(LGI).Abayomi is a graduate of the department of English from the prestigious University of Ibadan.
He has since been 'at large' with $14,400 given to him on the 9th of August 2014 by political parties participating in the Osun state gubernatorial election as a largesse to the 144 corp members of the local government that participated in the election.i.e $100 per person.
Abayomi was seen by some of his friends in Ibadan with claims from them that he has bought a car and said he will collect his NYSC discharge certificate through the back door.
The NYSC officials reportedly do not want it to be brought to light but the aggrieved corp members are scared he may end up getting his discharge certificate and later on become a political figure and steal from 170million Nigerians

Fear of Ebola! 850 soldiers returning from Liberia to be quarantined

About 850 Nigerian soldiers on peacekeeping mission in Liberia are to be quarantined for 28 days when they return to the country in March 2015.

A source  told Punchng  that the Army personnel were scheduled to return to the country in January but that their arrival would be delayed till March 2015. He said 
“You know that our soldiers in Liberia are to return to the country from two mission areas, Liberia and Sudan.“The men of the Nigerian Army Battalion 43, in Sudan, will arrive in the country in December, and may be allowed to go their units on arrival in the country.
“But the arrival of their counterparts from Liberia, who were initially supposed to arrive in the country in January, will be delayed. The UN has not approved their movement so they will leave Liberia for Nigeria in March.
“Another thing is that even when they arrive in the country, they will be kept at a military barracks being built at Gwagwalada for 28 days before they are released to go to their units.
“I think the authorities are just being careful; there is no intent to demoralise anybody because we all know the dangers of this Ebola Virus Disease.
“With the arrangement, only medical personnel would be allowed access to them.
“You know that the World Health Organisation has declared Nigeria Ebola free so all efforts would be made to keep that status,”

Theo Walcott has returned to full training with Arsenal

The England international is back on the practice field after tearing his ACL in January, with fellow forward Serge Gnabry is also nearing a comeback.

Theo Walcott has returned to full training with Arsenal following a long-term knee injury suffered in January.
The England international ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee during Arsenal's FA Cup third-round win over rival Tottenham and subsequently missed the remainder of campaign.
Walcott's injury also kept him out of the World Cup in Brazil and the 25-year-old has yet to feature for Arsenal this season.
However, the former Southampton man was back in action at the club's London Colney training ground, along with Serge Gnabry, on Monday and could hand Arsene Wenger a timely boost in the coming weeks.
The Frenchman is currently without striker Olivier Giroud because of a fractured tibia, but Walcott's likely imminent return will further strengthen a forward line that includes the likes of Danny Welbeck and Alexis Sanchez.
Walcott had been in strong form prior to his injury, scoring six goals in 18 appearances for Arsenal across three competitions last season.
Gnabry could also bolster Wenger's options — with the 19-year-old forward having been out of action since April with a knee injury — and may help fill the void left by Mesut Ozil's absence.
The club's record signing is set for a three-month layoff with a knee problem.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

NEPC targets N2bn from Obollo

NEPC targets N2bn from Obollo

The Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) has estimated that the cashew mini-processing factory it set up at Obollo-Afor in Eungu State can earn N2 billion foreign exchange for the country every year.
Mr. Segun Awolowo, the Chief Executive Officer of NEPC disclosed during a cashew export promotion meeting organised by the Council in collaboration with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Nigeria Expanded Trade and Transport (NEXTT) in Lagos.
Commenting on cashew particularly, he said that in 2013, cashew exports generated N17.7 billion ($110m), which represents about 10 percent of agricultural exports; however, if they compared this figure with India’s export of over US$2.5bn and Vietnam’s export of US$3bn mainly from processed kernel, annually, it means Nigeria most definitely needs a well-articulated strategy to grow the cashew sector.
“We therefore cannot over emphasis why what we are doing here today is crucial.
“The main objective of the projects is to harness the abundant raw materials (RCN) and tap the skills of women in cashew processing. The pilot scheme which had success could be replicated by potential investors in other cashew producing states. Some investors have approached the council for possible collaboration in investing in cashew processing”, he added.
He noted that a recent study by USAID, an increase of 20 percent from Nigeria’s current products figure would create more than 344,000 new jobs and US$75, 875,000 additional incomes.
According to him, the stakeholders are fashioning out the cashew sector strategy would assist the council to develop a new implementation strategy that would grow the sector in line with the Transformation Agenda of the Government.

Police smash car-snatching syndicate in Enugu

on   /   in News 9:44 pm   /   Comments
By Francis Igata
ENUGU—Operatives of the Umunmba Division of the Nigeria Police Force, Enugu State Command, has smashed a notorious car snatching and vandalism syndicate for allegedly terrorising residents of the area in the early hours of October 7.
The hoodlums were arrested, following a tip-off from members of the public while they were dismantling a 608 Mercedez Benz mini-van at Umunmba bush.
Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Mr. Ebere Amaraizu, DSP, confirmed the incident in a statement.
- See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2014/10/police-smash-car-snatching-syndicate-enugu/#sthash.lBRd7Xdo.dpuf

NEPC targets N2bn from Obollo

The Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) has estimated that the cashew mini-processing factory it set up at Obollo-Afor in Eungu State can earn N2 billion foreign exchange for the country every year.
Mr. Segun Awolowo, the Chief Executive Officer of NEPC disclosed during a cashew export promotion meeting organised by the Council in collaboration with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Nigeria Expanded Trade and Transport (NEXTT) in Lagos.
Commenting on cashew particularly, he said that in 2013, cashew exports generated N17.7 billion ($110m), which represents about 10 percent of agricultural exports; however, if they compared this figure with India’s export of over US$2.5bn and Vietnam’s export of US$3bn mainly from processed kernel, annually, it means Nigeria most definitely needs a well-articulated strategy to grow the cashew sector.
“We therefore cannot over emphasis why what we are doing here today is crucial.
“The main objective of the projects is to harness the abundant raw materials (RCN) and tap the skills of women in cashew processing. The pilot scheme which had success could be replicated by potential investors in other cashew producing states. Some investors have approached the council for possible collaboration in investing in cashew processing”, he added.
He noted that a recent study by USAID, an increase of 20 percent from Nigeria’s current products figure would create more than 344,000 new jobs and US$75, 875,000 additional incomes.
According to him, the stakeholders are fashioning out the cashew sector strategy would assist the council to develop a new implementation strategy that would grow the sector in line with the Transformation Agenda of the Government.

Ebola: UK to begin 'enhanced screening' from affected countries

Ebola: UK to begin 'enhanced screening' from affected countries

The UK is to begin enhanced screening of passengers from Ebola-affected countries at Heathrow, Gatwick and Eurostar terminals, Downing Street has announced.
The move comes as a Macedonian government official claims a British man has died from the disease in the eastern European country.
Earlier, a top US medical official warned that the epidemic could be the "next Aids" if not contained quickly, while the chief of the World Bank said the future of the African continent could be at stake if the spread is not halted.
It comes after the World Health Organisation reported that the recorded number of deaths from Ebola has almost reached 4,000 worldwide and warned the real number could be more.

The Liberian man diagnosed with Ebola in Texas has died!

A Liberian man who was diagnosed with Ebola in
Texas has died, a hospital spokesman said
“It is with profound sadness and heartfelt
disappointment that we must inform you of the
death of Thomas Eric Duncan this morning at 7:51
am,” said the statement from Texas Health
spokesman Wendell Watson.
“Mr. Duncan succumbed to an insidious disease,
Ebola. He fought courageously in this battle.”
Duncan was the first patient diagnosed with Ebola
outside West Africa, where the hemorrhagic virus
has killed more than 3,400 people since the
beginning of the year.
He flew from Liberia to Texas to visit family,
arriving in Dallas on September 20. He began
feeling sick four days later, but was not
hospitalized until September 28.
“The past week has been an enormous test of our
health system, but for one family it has been far
more personal. Today they lost a dear member of
their family,” said Texas health commissioner
David Lakey.
“They have our sincere condolences, and we are
keeping them in our thoughts.”
He said that the medical team in Texas has
“provided excellent and compassionate care, but
Ebola is a disease that attacks the body in many
Health officials are monitoring dozens of people
who may have come in contact with Duncan,
including about 10 who are considered at high risk
of contracting Ebola.

Google’s Manager explains the shut down of Linda Ikeji’s blog

When contacted, Google’s Manager for Communications and Public Affairs, Anglo-Phone West Africa, Taiwo Kolade-Ogunlade, said he was not in the best position to speak on the specifics of the development.

He, however, noted that Google takes the issue of copyright seriously, adding that the company belongs to a group of Internet firms that abides by the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other applicable copyright laws.

According to Kolade-Ogunlade, to respect the rights of copyright holders, Google clearly spells out how users of its products and services can get permission to use someone else’s intellectual property such as text, songs, images and footages.

The search giant, he added, was no respecter of anybody when it came to the issues of copyright infringement, adding that “copyright is a big deal.”

“Google as an organisation takes issues of copyright seriously and belongs to a group of digital companies that respect copyrights.

“Copyright is a big deal and this is why you can’t just go and pick up another person’s intellectual property or content and lay claim to its ownership.

“That is why we have copyright guidance. I don’t know if Linda picked up any content and I don’t know what content is the bone of contention-neither have I looked into the complaints personally.

“But it is not a case of witch-hunting and has nothing to do with Linda Ikeji’s personality or anyone else because there is a process, and irrespective of who you are in the world, that process would apply to you,” Kolade-Ogunlade explained.

According to the Google spokesman, it has become imperative for online entrepreneurs to respect the rights of copyright holders noting that the Internet community should be built on mutual trust and general respect.

Biggest Nigeria blog Linda Ikeji's shut down by Google.

"This has nothing to do with Witch-hunting"-Google on the Shutdown of Linda Ikeji's blog

While most have been shocked by the sudden shutdown of Linda Ikeji's blog by Google, many are pointing accusing fingers man who threatened to see to it that her blog is deleted for alleged plagiarism.
 Punch contacted Google’s Manager for Communications and Public Affairs, Anglo-Phone West Africa, Taiwo Kolade-Ogunlade, and he gave reasons why the blog was shut down
“Google as an organisation takes issues of copyright seriously and belongs to a group of digital companies that respect copyrights.
“Copyright is a big deal and this is why you can’t just go and pick up another person’s intellectual property or content and lay claim to its ownership.

“That is why we have copyright guidance. I don’t know if Linda picked up any content and I don’t know what content is the bone of contention-neither have I looked into the complaints personally.

“But it is not a case of witch-hunting and has nothing to do with Linda Ikeji’s personality or anyone else because there is a process, and irrespective of who you are in the world, that process would apply to you,” Kolade-Ogunlade explained.

“Let’s respect other people’s rights and intellectual property. Making money off other people’s content without permission is wrong. Although the Internet is inanimate, it is the content on it that gives it life. These are the issues.

“Whenever owners of online contents come after you accusing you of using their content, it is because they have families to feed and businesses to sustain.

“People should also understand that copyrights does not only apply to text, but also extends to literary works, images and photographs, music files and MP3s, movies, movie trailers and videos as well as software,”

Nadia Buari sexy hot pics

Nadia Buari is killing people on Instagram by uploading flawless pictures of herself daily . It's clear now , this is the reason why Jim Iyke can't let go.

Photos from the Presidential Reception for Victorious Team Nigeria Athletes

Photos from the Presidential Reception for Victorious Team Nigeria Athletes
Yesterday, President Jonathan,hosted the victorious Team Nigeria Athletes and Officials at 2014 International Competitions yesterday in Abuja where he splashed over N300 million on them.

The athletes include  those who participated in  the African Youth Games in Gaborone, Botswana; the World Junior Athletics Championships in Oregon, USA, African Senior Athletics Championships in Marrakech, Morocco,the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotlan, and the 2014 FIFA Female U-20 Football World Cup in Montreal, Canada.
 Present at the Presidential Reception were, Senate President David Mark, Governor Uduaghan of Delta, Governor Obiano of Anambra State and Sports Minister ...
President Jonathan also  received a Plaque from Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist Blessing Okagbare.
More below

Sunday, 5 October 2014

The Gunners were destroyed 6-0 at Stamford Bridge last season and Arsene Wenger has not won in 11 meetings with Jose Mourinho

The Gunners were destroyed 6-0 at Stamford Bridge last season and Arsene Wenger has not won in 11 meetings with Jose Mourinho - but there is hope.
Arsene Wenger in the aftermath of the 6-0 thrashing his side was dealt at Stamford Bridge in March said: “It's one of the worst days in my career.”

The Frenchman remarked that every Arsenal defeat left "a scar in your heart that you never forget” as he approached that game - his 1000th and the joint-heaviest defeat of his managerial career.

Arsenal must hope the scars of that March massacre ensure fundamental changes as Wenger prepares his side for the daunting task of heading to the league leader on Sunday afternoon.

This London rivalry has taken on a new lease of life since Jose Mourinho’s return a year-and-a-half ago and the Portuguese rarely appears to have as much fun as when he’s winding up Wenger. Branded a “specialist in failure” last season, Wenger has already had to endure taunts from west London over the 10-year trophy drought he oversaw.

But there is a more up-to-date statistic Mourinho will be looking to add to. In 11 attempts, Wenger still hasn't beaten him.

In fact, even with Mourinho in Madrid, the Gunners haven’t tasted victory over Chelsea for three years, not since the ludicrously fun 5-3 win at Stamford Bridge in 2011 when Robin van Persie ran amok. Surprisingly, Arsenal has only scored two goals in the six meetings since then.

Petr Cech may have been demoted, while Ashley Cole was allowed to join Roma, but the Blues brought Europe’s best young goalkeeper in from the cold and, in Nemanja Matic, have the best defensive midfielder in the top-flight protecting the defense.

We are assuming Arsenal plays into Chelsea hands, that the team will front up to the Blues and persist with the philosophy that regularly steamrolls the likes of Galatasaray. Games in front of buoyant home crowds are different though, but would you know it by analyzing Wenger’s approach?

The Champions League last-16 second leg game against Barcelona in 2011 was the last time Wenger sent a team out to hold on to a lead. They countered where possible and defended fastidiously on the edge of the box. It didn’t work, but not because of the system, because of the outrageous decision to send Van Persie off for kicking the ball away (shooting a split-second after the referee’s whistle).

Arsenal was 2-1 up (3-2 on aggregate) at that stage and looked set to eliminate Pep Guardiola's brilliant Barca. Since then, results in games away at elite opposition are mixed. There have been wins at Bayern Munich but heavy defeats to Milan and Olympiakos. This season the team has only beaten Aston Villa on its travels, while last year saw the traumatic thrashings at City, Liverpool and Chelsea. Up against someone as shrewd as Mourinho takes away a lot of the unknowing though. He gives no quarter.
Arsenal vs Chelsea

The 64-year-old is wedded to his possession-oriented style but Arsenal only picked up six points from 18 against the other members of the top four last year (one win over Liverpool, three draws). The club hasn’t won any of its previous 14 meetings with Chelsea, City and Manchester United and you'd be forgiven for thinking there is a fundamental problem here.

With any luck, Wenger will have noted his team’s struggles against the elite sides. The Gunners have become predictable in their approach and deeply susceptible to teams who pick off their neat triangular passes and counter quickly.

Yet this is where Arsenal can draw strength ahead of the trip to Stamford Bridge. If last season’s 6-0 loss was memorable for the speed at which Chelsea snatched possession and launched raids on an exposed back line then this year should provide a different test.

Mourinho’s side is growing into its billing as the team to beat this season and place emphasis on dictating games rather than pouncing on mistakes - bar the 1-1 draw at Manchester City. But the days of backs-to-the-wall defending and countering at speed appear reserved for only the toughest away games.

The transitions remain impeccably precise and dynamic, as Andre Schurrle’s goal at Manchester City attests, and that will be a danger to Per Mertesacker & Co, but there are opportunities for Wenger if he springs a tactical surprise of his own.

The worry though is whether wily old Mourinho will let Wenger have his way. The master tactician has seen it all before. He’s never lost to Wenger and knows exactly how to dismantle a bold Arsenal. He will happily scrap the blueprints for another three points, no matter how it's achieved.

Analysis of Arsenal’s 1-1 draw with Tottenham will show the way and the 2-0 loss to Dortmund will reinforce it. Both defensive performances, though different in their intensity and organisation, showed that damage can be done by furiously pressing the Arsenal midfield and defense. Dortmund capitalized on it. Spurs didn’t, but still exposed the Gunners in three-versus-three situations.

They are susceptible, but often only because Wenger bullishly sticks to his philosophy and tries to dominate games and situations which call for a more cautious approach.

But let’s say Arsenal allows Chelsea to dominate possession, to tempt Cesc Fabregas into breaking the defense down. The club has the players to do serious damage on the break.

It has been speculated that Mourinho will use two holding midfielders to counter this threat - Matic and John Obi Mikel - but that combination hasn’t started a game together this season. We can rule that out.

Fabregas is excellent, but can be caught out of position when Chelsea doesn’t have the ball. It is in these moments that Danny Welbeck and Alexis Sanchez must look to spring the trap and get at Gary Cahill and John Terry. The pair are rarely exposed but Olivier Giroud's chance in the opening few minutes of the 6-0 reverse indicate that clever movement, of which Welbeck has in abundance, can bamboozle the duo.

You have to hope we are treated to this kind of tactical chess match rather than the more predictable match up we've seen under Mourinho. Speaking after Arsenal's win over Galatasaray, Per Mertesacker gave hope, hinting at a change of approach for this game: ”We know we can do better than the two consecutive seasons [there] before and I think we'll try new things on Sunday to get a better result than last year.”

The combination of Wenger’s stubborn nature and trust in a rigid philosophy seems certain - based on past evidence - to result in another defeat. But if he springs a surprise and hands the onus to Chelsea, he has the players at his disposal to make this an eighth Premier League win at Stamford Bridge - a record in the top-flight. He just needs to outmaneuver Mourinho for the first time.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Arsenal vs Chelsea

Chelsea Preview: Forget Last Season, This Is About Now

  Posted in Arsenal, Chelsea, Football, Premier League, Soccer, Transfer Gossip
Randall Flagg has stepped from the pages of fiction and resides comfortably in West London, the ever-faithful Trashcan carrying out his orders without thinking or hesitation.
I always hated the annual trip to Stamford Bridge. Never the most hospitable of venues, the weather was always chill and overcast. It probably wasn’t but it felt that way in the dank surroundings of the open terrace where you were fenced in and monitored more closely than any unfortunate soul held in Stalag 17.
On occasion, I ventured there having landed seats in what was then a ‘new’ stand. Arriving in one piece always felt like an achievement in itself but to be greeted by Sherpa Tenzing, a job lot of crampons, rope and tackle made scaling Everest never inspired confidence. Halfway up, you got to stop for oxygen, a coffee and look out over the underground lines that separated the ground from a cemetery. More often than not, Arsenal’s dreams were buried alongside the denizens of that part of West London.
Click to enlarge Courtesy of BettingExpert, www.bettingexpert.com
Click to enlarge
Courtesy of bettingexpert (www.bettingexpert.com)
Football is a cyclical affair and nothing proves it more than Arsenal record in this corner of the capital. For decades, they could scarcely buy a win at the home of the original franchise football club. When Chelsea were in the top flight, they were Arsenal’s bogey side, exerting a more malevolent grip over the points than United or Liverpool ever could. George Graham’s 1991 side fell to its only league defeat on a dull February afternoon, Alan Smith scoring a consolation having spent most of the afternoon thinking the tide had taken the sea out a long way, contenting himself with his bucket and spade to build sandcastles.
Arsène’s arrival at Arsenal changed that. From 1997 through to 2006, one Premier League defeat in eleven visits to Stamford Bridge, two in thirteen if you extend that record to 2008. Two-goal headstarts didn’t even help Chelsea find a win; they knew how we felt in this fixture. One in four since with little sign of that run ending, certainly while Jose Mourinho remains at the helm. Much was made of Sam Allardyce’s supposed Indian Sign over Wenger but he never got inside the Arsenal manager’s head the way that Mourinho has. Indeed, not even during the bitterness that swamped his rivalry with Ferguson did you suspect that Arsène was being out-thought.
He is and his players are being out-fought on the pitch. Is some of that down to them sensing the managerial weakness in this battle? Received footballing wisdom has it that players pick up early on signals that a managerial reign is coming to an end so it seems unlikely that they would not sense the grip that Mourniho has over Le Professeur.
Following on from last season’s debacle, today would be a good time to end that feeling.
And a more improbable time is hard to imagine. Arsenal are unbeaten, fluctuating between the good and inconsistent.
Chelsea have started well, like Arsenal undefeated in the Premier League. Unlike Arsenal, they have won games hence they sit top of the table. Whilst the media bill and coo over their performances – and there is not point in being churlish, Chelsea have played well at times this season – Manuel Pellegrini summed it up; Chelsea have a small club mentality and parking the bus is not a tactic that I would enjoy watching on a regular basis. Does anyone?
The answer is yes, the denizens of West London do. Bereft of sustained success for a century, Mourinho brought them glory and is forgiven anything. Or most things by most people, just as we overlooked the paucity of flair in Graham’s final couple of seasons with the cup runs distracting the memory from league form and performances.
There are times, particularly in big away matches, when I wish Arsène would take the same pragmatic approach to the game.
Midweek was profitable for both clubs, Arsenal’s more so in terms of confidence and perhaps taking note of the profligacy of Chelsea’s attack. Opportunities may be at a premium this afternoon as I would expect both sides to be determined not to concede. Danny Welbeck’s hat-trick has unsurprisingly garnering a lot of media attention from club and country perspective. As Terry Venables points out in The Independent, this is the type of game that Arsenal need to the striker to excel. Certainly, he has the physical attributes to put the home defence under pressure and I wonder if Mourinho will consider dropping Terry for fear of the damage which could be wrought when his lack of pace is exposed.
It is a lot of pressure on the youngster’s shoulders although there is no reason not to think he cannot handle that aspect of the game. Thinking back to last season’s fixture, it is not hard to wonder what would have happened if Olivier Giroud had not wasted a golden opportunity to give Arsenal the lead. Instead of finding themselves picked off on the counter, Arsenal might have reversed the roles and exposed Chelsea. Ifs and buts, the basis of football. That highlights the need for the full backs to be more conservative in their approach today. Tottenham exposed the Arsenal defence on several occasions last week, their profligacy punished with Oxlade-Chamberlain’s equaliser.

Chelsea (A), Premier League, 5th October 2014 – Expected XI
That and his defensive work is one of the reasons I don’t think Cazorla and Sanchez will play this afternoon from the kick-off. To do so leaves Gibbs and Chambers exposed and I expect Mourinho to target these areas, in simplistic terms at least. Nor would you expect Cazorla to be deployed in the deeper role today unless Jack Wilshere does not pass fitness muster.
Despite recent glowing performances, it is by no means certain Özil will be deployed in the ‘freer’ role that notionally sees him in the centre. It might suit today with the ability to wander to either flank more flexible than starting on the left and drifting inside,

Chelsea (A) – No Alexis
If Arsène does start with the German in a wide role, Alexis Sanchez seems unlikely to start which to me defeats the object of signing him. As much as Danny Welbeck has to rise to the occasions, the Chilean was definitely bought for such matches. And in any case, not only does his exclusion weaken Arsenal, Mourinho’s admiration for Özil is such that he will have plans to nullify the player and leave space that Sanchez can exploit with his pace.
The reality is that this is the only selection headache the manager has; everyone else is injured. As much as I would like Arsenal to hand out a thrashing, the like of which will scar Chelsea for years, I will be more than happy with a scrappy Arsenal victory with a winning goal which deflects in off the referee’s backside. Three points in this match will do more for the squad’s morale than an unbeaten fifteen match run steamrollering the bottom two-thirds of the table.
Enjoy the match wherever you are watching it.
This week’s trip down memory lane is from this weekend in 1992, Chelsea’s visit to Arsenal on 3rd October to be precise. It was the Premier League’s first season and one where the decline in George Graham’s reign set in. It probably had the season before but to be honest, I don’t think we really noticed. On the day in question, Arsenal sat in ninth place with just fourteen points from the previous ten games. The previous weekend, Arsenal had won for the first time in five games, beating Manchester City by a single goal at Highbury. City were nowhere near a good side before you get excited.
Arsenal won this match 2 – 1 with a late Ian Wright goal, thanks to Anders Limpar contribution. The Swede was that squad’s Alexis Sanchez, I think, but without the price tag. And a less tolerant manager, judging by Graham’s comments to the press. There are two sides to every story but certainly most supporters I knew, took Limpar’s. It was unfathomable to us why such a gifted player was not played more often. It wasn’t really, he didn’t do the defensive work his manager wanted but we didn’t care. Had he played more often – rather than being a regular substitute – perhaps Arsenal would have finished higher than the tenth place they occupied the following May.
For the record, Chelsea didn’t fare any better; they finished eleventh.

Mourinho: I will show no mercy

Mourinho: I will show no mercy

| October 5, 2014 | 0 Comments

After some relatively positive comments yesterday from the Chelsea manager, Mourinho is back to his usual confrontational self in the build up to the North London Derby. Speaking to the press, Mourinho admitted that he would like nothing better than to see his Chelsea side repeat the 6-0 result over Arsenal from last season.
That memory is barely six months old, but Mourinho says that given the chance, he is hoping to inflict more pain on Arsene Wenger. He also clarified that he will show no sympathy for Wenger whatsoever, both during and after the game. Mourinho speaks from a strong position, having never lost to Wenger in the 11 meetings between the two.

Mourinho made it clear he would not be following the example of Sir Alex Ferguson, who sympathised with Wenger after Manchester United walloped Arsenal 8-2 three years ago. And, in what was an attempted cheap shot, he also said that bringing Cesc Fabregas to Chelsea was ‘the easiest transfer’ of his life.
Why should I? I just play matches to win. If you can win 5-0 you don’t win 4-0.
A valid point from the Portuguese, but I would love to see the expression on his face if Wenger manages to pull a win out of the hat today.
Wenger meanwhile is not known for his mind games, and he chose to keep his interactions simple. He stated that he was not concerned with the previous results and would only be looking to win on Sunday.
The match between the two London giants is one of the biggest games of the season, and an Arsenal victory would change the whole dynamic of the League. It would bring Arsenal back into serious contention for the top spot, and also peg back a Chelsea who have been running rampant so far. With the international break coming up after this game, a win for the Gunners would reset the League and give our players a massive confidence boost for when they return.
What do you think? Will Arsenal spoil the Chelsea party? Let us know in the comments.

At Sallah, Leaders Preach Peace

At Sallah, Leaders Preach Peace

05 Oct 2014
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Sallah prayer session
Mohammed Aminu in Sokoto,  Yemi Akinsuyi in Abuja, Hammed Shittu in Ilorin, Ibrahim Shuaibu in Kano, Segun Awofadeji in Bauchi, Emmanuel Ugwu in Umuahia and Daji Sani in Yola
Messages of peace and harmony resonated around the country during the celebration of Eid-el-Kabir yesterday as leaders enjoined Nigerians to eschew violence and the campaign of calumny in the overall interest of the nation, especially as the 2015 general elections draw near.
The Sallah messages were delivered amid tight security in various states of the Federation and particularly the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, where the police moved round the city in their numbers checking and ensuring maintenance of peace and order.
However, in Adamawa State, the Acting Governor, Rt. Hon. Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, cancelled traditional homages and all activities to mark the Sallah celebration in the state to commiserate with the families of victims of insurgency attacks and empathise with internally displaced persons(IDPs).
The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III, in a Sallah message to the Muslim Ummah in his palace in Sokoto  admonished Nigerians to stop campaign of calumny against opponents ahead of the elections next year.
He advised politicians to fear God as well as desist from abusing opponents so as to ensure peaceful electioneering campaigns in the country.
The monarch maintained that it was only when politicians avoid campaign of calumny that peace could reign in the polity. While calling on  Muslim Ummah to pray for peace, he also told them to pray for those in position of leadership.
According to him, “Politicians should fear God and realise that He gives power to whoever He wishes. So, we don’t want violence during campaigns. Those seeking for elective posts should conduct their campaigns with decorum and avoid abuse of opponents. They should realise that they are brothers irrespective of the political parties they belong to.”
He stressed the need for politicians especially those seeking for public office to see Nigeria as their constituency. He  told them to join hands irrespective of party affiliation to salvage Nigeria.
To this end,  the monarch admonished politicians in Sokoto, not to allow themselves to be used by outsiders to create division among the people. He called on the people of the state to be vigilant and keep away from selfish politicians who may want to use them to create chaos in the state.
“Whoever calls you to engage in violence, please ignore him. Tell him to bring his children and wives to join in the protest or violence and if he fails to do so, don’t listen to him,” he stated.
He expressed worry at the number of displaced persons in the North-east as a result of the insurgency and appealed to residents of the state to support and pray for them.
The Sultan also challenged governments at all levels to redouble efforts towards tackling the problems of unemployment in the country.
He charged governments to do more by creating jobs for the teeming unemployed youths in their areas.
The monarch attributed the rising wave of crime and social vices to youth unemployment in the country. He commended Governor Aliyu Wamakko for his tireless efforts in improving the lives of the people.
He applauded Lagos and Rivers state governments for their efforts in overcoming the Ebola disease in their states.
In the same vein, the Emir of Ilorin and Chairman, Kwara State Traditional Council, Alhaji Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari, urged Nigerians, especially the people of Kwara state to continue to live in peace to further attract more infrastructural developments to the state.
He also charged religion leaders to inculcate the habit of preaching messages that  promote peaceful co-existence among   adherents of the two major religions in the state and nation at large.
Sulu-Gambari stated this in his message delivered shortly after the two rakat prayers marking the 2014 Eid-el-Kabir celebration led by the Chief Imam of Ilorin, Alhaji Muhammad Bashir Soliu.
Also speaking, the State Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed, urged Muslims to use the Eid-el-Kabir to rededicate themselves to the service of Allah and Nigeria through sacrifice, selfless service and good neighbourliness.
Ahmed, who spoke with journalists in Ilorin  to mark this year’s Eid-el-Kabir festival, stressed that Nigerians must always work for the good of the country.
He noted that for Nigeria to realise its potential as a nation, Nigerians of all religions persuasions must work collectively, and consciously, and submit to common religious doctrine of being their brother’s keepers.
“We must therefore use the Eld-el-Kabir as another opportunity for us to reflect on the essence of sacrifice and humility as fulcrums for the promotion of harmonious relationship in our polity,” he said.
In his own Eid-el-Kabir message, the former governor of the state, Dr. Bukola Saraki, advised Nigerian  leaders at all level to deeply reflect on the theme of sacrifice and embrace the courage to deny selfish interest for the sake of Nigeria’s progress.
According to him, “As we reflect on the symbolic reason behind this season, I oblige every one of us to reflect on the lessons of obedience, perseverance in total submission to the will of Almighty Allah in His remembrance; as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim’s  willingness to sacrifice his only son.”
“This, particularly is the recipe for peace that Muslims the World over are enjoined to emulate to put an end to violence and raging crisis that threatens our peaceful co-existence.
“As Nigerians, It is important for us to unite on all fronts and live harmoniously with people of other faiths while carrying out our religious obligations. The moral lessons of these historical characteristics of Prophet Ibrahim must not be forgotten”, he stated.
Saraki noted: “There is indeed light at the end of the tunnel as most of the good things we desire for our great country will not happen by chance, but by the sum of the individual choices we make as citizens.
“Let us also use the occasion of this Eid celebration to pray for our military men and other security personnel as they toil hard day and night, away from the love and affection of their family, to combat terrorism, secure our territory, and #bringback our girls.
Also, the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Muhammad Sanusi II, has called for constant prayers for the sustenance of peace and stability in the state and Nigeria.